пятница, 13 ноября 2009 г.

Something I write about too much :)

You may think I'm obsessed with dreams and goals and stuff and I guess I'll have to agree, because I believe that people have to have dreams because nothing can be better than realizing that you are living your dream, something you really wished for yourself.
But of course you not gonna get it just with the click of a finger, you will have to make the flow, not going with it.
I wanted to state it right here in my blog that I realized that I was living my dream last year, I can't describe how great and inspiring it feels to realize that. It was probably even more than I could have imagined and I really can't describe how grateful I am for that.

Never stop dreaming no matter how big your dreams may seem to be, they ALL can become a reality one day.

"Future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"

среда, 4 ноября 2009 г.

Free hugs

Have you ever heard about the "Free hugs" campaign that took place already in many cities around the world? Today me and some other people had this campaign in our city of Novosibirsk. For me it was also another way to "level up my courage", because you know hugging random people on the street takes a little courage ;) (You should take into consideration the "Russian mentality" which is not used to things like that at all).
But it was really unforgettable experience. People reacted absolutely different, most of them were up for a free hug, some of them were suspicious, some gave us really weird looks, some asked for our telephone numbers ;) But the most important were smiles on our faces and faces of the people we hugged..

Why don't you give someone a free hug and see what happens? ;)

вторник, 3 ноября 2009 г.

Escaping from your comfort zone

So I have a title to give to year of 2009 in my life - it's a year of me being in the army training, army training for personal development and while I still have lots and lots to learn, I'm far ahead now from where I used to be even in the beginning of this year. 

And a big part of this training is about deciding what I want, what are my goals and learning to pursue them and learning to listen to myself and not "the crowd". 

I have been thinking a lot about changes, my comfort zone and everything. I've read somewhere that when something in your life doesn't serve it's purpose anymore you need to move on despite the "security" it might give you, because if you don't, you get stuck. This happened with my previous job - I've learnt so much there first year, but then it all became a routine, no learning, no growing,  even though it felt "comfortable" at some extent as I loved my co-workers and knew everything there, I really wanted to move on. And even if I miss my co-workers a little that experience is in the past.

Even if I have a new job now where I learn a lot and really growing professionally and incredibly extending my network of useful contacts.. I'm more and more realizing that Novosibirsk doesn't serve it's purpose for me anymore... I like this city, it's comfortable because I know everything here, my parents are here... and still I have this same feeling that I'm stuck here, I need to move on somewhere else. And I'm not talking about moving on to seek career in the first place (career is not my #1 priority), I just "feel" I need to get out of my "comfort zone". I'm scared as hell to do it all by myself, but I know I will do it and I know that I will only benefit from it.

And just today I read an article about going up a level in courage: "...What could you do today that would help you level up in courage? Where have you gotten so comfortable that it’s not even a challenge anymore? What are you avoiding doing that you know would provide you with tremendous growth? Follow that yellow brick road, my friend..."