вторник, 30 июня 2009 г.

About Values.

Past few months were not easy. I went through a whole bunch of feelings: from happiness, hope and enthusiasm to disappointment and sadness feeling empty and having no idea of where to go and what to look for.. But I think I'm starting to see a good side in all this. All my thoughts were so messed up in my head and they still are, but I'm starting to figure out something.
Being disappointed with my current job Working on my resume and sending applications for internships helped me realize who I'm as a proffessional. And it's such a relief actually :)
Then I needed to figure out who am I and what do I really want in my personal life and life in general. So reading stuff on personal development helped a lot and I came to some interesting realizations. The last article I read was about our values and how they reflect who we really are and what we are looking for. And how we should always keep them in mind when making important decisions. So the task was to write a list of values and prioritize them. Well actually first 3 are values-goals for me at the moment, something I want to stay focused at. But that's what I got so far:
1. Love
2. Family/Friends
3. Financial independence
4. Loyalty/Trustworthiness
5. Intelligence/Learning
6. Intimacy
7. Thankfulness
8. Health/Fitness
9. Harmony
10. Care
11. Tolerance/Acceptance
12. Respect
13. Adventure/Activeness

This might change with time but right now this is what is most important to me (as I discovered) :)
And this is a reminder of who I am, who I want to be and what I'm looking for..

воскресенье, 28 июня 2009 г.

About determination.

I believe if we really want something we'll find a way to make it happen. It has happened in my life many times. Even if in the beginning you don't see how it can become possible, but you keep the idea in your head and more important - in your heart, there will be a way to make it possible. I have seen so many amazing stories proving that.
But what I have just thought - what if you really want something and you actually do something to make it happen and you even see different ways to make it happen, but you fail again and again. Some would say it's a sign that this is not going to happen, so give up on trying and switch to something else. Ok, I'd have thought so too. But I have seen examples when a person would try and fail, try again and fail again, but didn't give up and this person is actually very happy now because finally all the attempts were paid off. :) And it's not just one example.
I personally think we should never give up, but what if you just spend your whole life on trying to get something you are not supposed to get..? And you end up wasting time... And when is this point that you should realize it's time to stop trying?..

среда, 24 июня 2009 г.

The origin of the idea

If you know me well enough you probably know that usually I have tons of thoughts going through my head and of course you should know that these thoughts cant just stay there they have to be expressed. Sometimes a random thought can just pop into my head and I'd immediatly feel the urge to send you a text message or call you or e-mail later to tell about it and see what you think. What I'm trying to say is that I have to put somewhere everything I have in my head. First I thought about writing a journal, but it didnt seem to be perfect enough as the journal would be the only one I'd share my feelings, thoughts, emotions, goals and plans with. So blog seemed to be quite a good option.
Then - to write it in English or Russian? Of course I could probably express more writing in my native language, but I have many friends all around the globe that I'd like to share with as well, plus practicing my English writing is always good, right? ;)
And finally I called it "How I learnt to live" because... because this is what we all should do, right? Human beings trying to live consciously and we learn all the time anyways. I could've called it "the story of my life" but it's too cheesy...