If you have read the book "Five languages of love", you know about these languages and if you know me well enough, you know that my language of love is "Time" or in other words, I feel the most loved and important in someone's life when this someone wants to spend time with me or just show by any means that I'm there in their thoughts.
Small message like "Just wanted to say Hi" through sms, e-mail, skype, FB, vkontakte, phone (thanks we live in the era of technology) can just make my day.
My close friends know that I may be super busy, but will still take a minute to chat over the phone if someone special is calling (hmm... yes, this distracts me from work, but makes me happier :))
Although with all the technology being developed we forget (or get too lazy) about such personal things like a postcard send via mail. Something you can actually touch. The fact we don't do it that often anymore makes them even more special.
Sveta, thanks for sending me this postcard that totally made my day, I loved the rabbits! :)
We don't really speack the same "languages" sometimes, but today we did ;)