Past few months were not easy. I went through a whole bunch of feelings: from happiness, hope and enthusiasm to disappointment and sadness feeling empty and having no idea of where to go and what to look for.. But I think I'm starting to see a good side in all this. All my thoughts were so messed up in my head and they still are, but I'm starting to figure out something.
Being disappointed with my current job Working on my resume and sending applications for internships helped me realize who I'm as a proffessional. And it's such a relief actually :)
Then I needed to figure out who am I and what do I really want in my personal life and life in general. So reading stuff on personal development helped a lot and I came to some interesting realizations. The last article I read was about our values and how they reflect who we really are and what we are looking for. And how we should always keep them in mind when making important decisions. So the task was to write a list of values and prioritize them. Well actually first 3 are values-goals for me at the moment, something I want to stay focused at. But that's what I got so far:
1. Love
2. Family/Friends
3. Financial independence
4. Loyalty/Trustworthiness
5. Intelligence/Learning
6. Intimacy
7. Thankfulness
8. Health/Fitness
9. Harmony
10. Care
11. Tolerance/Acceptance
12. Respect
13. Adventure/Activeness
This might change with time but right now this is what is most important to me (as I discovered) :)
And this is a reminder of who I am, who I want to be and what I'm looking for..